Release Notes for HERO Harmony

Release Notes for HERO Harmony

Following are the notes of new/added features in each major release. This list is a summary of features only, not a comprehensive version log with minor changes and bug fixes. New releases are automatically installed for all users, at no charge.


Release 13 (September 1st, 2024)


  • Introduced additional MFA by authenticator app
  • Introduced new template and letter editor with streamlined features
  • Added ability to scroll through lists with mousewheel
  • Expanded use of AI in help search with standardized dictionary
  • Improved UI through consistency of view/edit vs status/option
  • Improved structure to allow localization of normally non-local API functions


  • Added printable datasheet
  • Added Application Qualification Screening Level to residential, storage, and commercial units
  • Improved display of tapechart for short-term units
  • Improved printing of report graphs


  • Added option to have separate settings for invoice approvals for owners and associations
  • Added option for admin to unapprove a previously approved invoice before paying
  • Added option for admin to modify the date of a pay out before processing
  • Added warning on future charges being paid by preapproved payment
  • Improved persistence of booking deposit amount for advanced functions
  • Improved warnings when setting convenience fees outside of accepted limits by locale
  • Improved display of preapproved payment concerns lists
  • Improved warnings when processing the last preapproved payment(s) on an occupant agreement and simultaneously holding prepaid rent
  • Enforced invoice approval override on recurring invoices


  • Introduced new email editor
  • Improved view of in/out messages, and read/unread messages at a glance
  • Improved view of setting message actions for task management


  • Introduced compiled frameworks for additional speed and security
  • Improved Intro view to provide a better summary of website status, content, and options
  • Modified webgadget structure to compile webgadgets and report errors upon editing
  • Adjusted form pages to default to rate control on, to reduce form spam



  • Added quick menu to jump to a specific function from a person without first opening profile
  • Added option to import a list without IDs and have IDs automatically generated
  • Added routine to clean non-standard phone number formats on import
  • Added more predefined special committee purposes for association committees (Social/Events, Communications, Maintenance) to expand automatic portal authorizations for committee members
  • Improved import cleansing from messy import source data
  • Improved messaging when attempting to complete an import in excess of package limits
  • Improved detection of domestic/foreign non-primary addresses and expanded ISO 3166 lists
  • Improved notifications of suggested autogeneration of IDs


  • Introduced new template editor
  • Added option to discard an agreement (instead of fixing) when post check fails
  • Added option to directly email agreement dossier
  • Added current balances to agreement dossier
  • Added new options related to recurring charges when renewing leases
  • Added option to include merged block of all selected agreement extras in forms, addendums, and notices
  • Simplified ability for admins to change agreement names
  • Improved function for clearing signatures on eSigned agreements with multiple signatories
  • Improved visibility of errors on account posting rules when creating occupant agreements


  • Added zoom on hover for place thumbnail images on maintenance lists
  • Added indicator to show when a work order file/photo/video was added by the vendor instead of requestor or property manager
  • Added function to check for optional agreement extras related to maintenance in work requests, like pest control, filter replacements, or other service extras
  • Improved display of work order fingerprints for work order actions taken by owner/association/vendor


  • Improved display of occupants in collections on aging reports
  • Improved display of accounts with held payments on aging reports


  • Introduced new letter editor
  • Added option to assign a document to an association's committee
  • Improved dynamic display of document metadata when editing
  • Expanded ability to create documents for groups of multiple unrelated people


  • Introduced App Score with thresholds
  • Added new consumer screening report options
  • Added indicators for clarity on application items used as components in consumer reports
  • Added intuitive quick editor to compose application item rulesets
  • Added Screen Score summary for numeric screening score/grade totals
  • Added configuration option to send company-specific control codes to integrated screening report providers with applicant data
  • Added real-time screening status update item summary as results are returned from integrated providers
  • Added mismoXML parsing for consumer reports
  • Added function to modify screening process based on unit's Application Qualification Level
  • Improved discrete contacts for applications on commercial and storage units
  • Improved display of links for candidate applications
  • Improved differentiation between preview mode applications and deleted applications
  • Improved display of screening scorecard for better at-a-glance assessment of consumer report results
  • Improved process of dynamically loading external consumer reports
  • Improved detection of domestic/foreign non-primary addresses and expanded ISO 3166 lists


  • Added option to include invoices recorded in Harmony to owner/association portals (in addition to invoices uploaded)
  • Added function for owner/association invoice approval (in addition to loginless)
  • Added display of association board/committee involvement on portal login status
  • Added option to resend portal setup message when portal is already set up, when authorization is enabled
  • Added ability for association maintenance committee to view all work requests/approve unapproved work orders in community, in addition to board
  • Added ability for association board to see summary of all membership agreements in community
  • Improved load/display of portal connections for ancient portal accounts (created 15+ years prior)

Release 12 (April 1st, 2024)


  • Introduced candidate application system and screening for vendors, sources, employees, and independent contractors
  • Introduced agreement timelines
  • Introduced agreement dossiers
  • Introduced ideas screensaver option
  • Introduced smart deep search as option
  • Upgraded underlying database for improved speed
  • Added option to archive terminated users
  • Added flexible privacy policies for different components
  • Added viewable change logs of settings
  • Expanded agent transfer wizard to cover improper/invalid imported items
  • Improved display of agent on lists to more easily see improper/invalid imported items
  • Improved handling of background updates
  • Improved dynamical calculation of item counts in alert icons
  • Improved display when running a memorized search
  • Improved preview of visual themes to view all colors before changing theme
  • Improved search algorithms, speed, and accuracy


  • Introduced new double opt-in structure for NotifyMe registrations
  • Added additional listing photo format behind the scenes for improved clarity when reprocessing photos
  • Added option for a registered prospective tenant to adjust their NotifyMe preferences
  • Added algorithm to detect contact information in listing photo watermarks, which is prohibited by many partners
  • Improved formatting of unit listings merged into emails and manual exports
  • Improved searchability of units within a property
  • Corrected calculation of marketing effectiveness score when a default application fee is used in place of a per-unit fee


  • Introduced option to attach a document to an invoice from email attachments recently received from the vendor
  • Expanded flexibility of online payment transaction and convenience fees, including minimums and maximums
  • Added option to set ACH convenience fees as a percent in addition to flat amount
  • Added pay in status of "processing" to identify if a transaction is being retried by the processor
  • Added guidance on setting processing fees for integrated partners that offer standard pricing
  • Added direct query of payment status for integrated Stripe payments
  • Added one-click transfer reversals
  • Added warning when collecting on management bills if entire date range is not selected
  • Added warnings for users changing bill codes, charge codes, and posting rules willy-nilly
  • Added option to send a template email when an online payment is submitted, before it is received
  • Added display of Stripe early fraud warnings on pay ins
  • Added option to exclude occupants and/or accounts from notifications of late fees when message setting is set to always send
  • Expanded download options for financial settings
  • Improved display of payments made from a person's portal wallet
  • Improved speed of loading bank balances
  • Improved handling of receipts that pay off dozens of charges
  • Improved checking of cleared status for Stripe payments to capture status at first available opportunity
  • Improved display of pay ins to improve clarity on pending transactions
  • Improved display of past charges and bills when a charge/bill code was used and subsequently changed
  • Improved ability to print help articles from within dashboard
  • Improved process when voiding pay ins from a transfer
  • Improved warnings when paying invoices by ACH when incomplete ACH information is set in payee's profile
  • Improved process of setting new posting rules when defaults had been overridden/removed


  • Added common power search options when selecting people for group messages
  • Added option to send a template email when a payment is submitted, before it is received
  • Improved attachments when sending messages to a group
  • Improved queueing rules for messages designated to send in the future
  • Improved display of links vs attachments in messages, most relevant to text messages
  • Improved matching of inbound email messages when sender has an unusual or non-standard email address format
  • Improved display of sender unusual or non-standard email address formats
  • Improved text message sending by truncating, rather than rejecting messages over size limit



  • Introduced new class of candidate for vendors and sources
  • Introduced new category of workers for employee and independent contractor candidates
  • Improved load speed of checking a person's profile status when viewing lists
  • Improved display of matches when searching groups across different people types
  • Improved categorization of foreclosed association members
  • Improved search speed for all people searches
  • Adjusted profile input structure to reduce likelihood of browser attempting to add a person's address as one of your addresses


  • Introduced agreement timelines to view all agreement events on a timeline
  • Introduced agreement dossiers to compile everything related to an agreement into a single file to send to attorney
  • Added option to set charge dates that differ from current date for future agreements
  • Added option to set charge dates that differ from current date on agreement changes
  • Added option to send any email/text to all parties to an agreement as a group (was previously limited to only agreement forms, violations, and notices)
  • Improved load speed of reservations where booking deposit status and amount are displayed


  • Added warning when there are an excessive number of requests awaiting assignment as work orders
  • Improved search speed when searching for content in work requests, work orders, work permits, quote requests, and architectural requests
  • Improved display and warnings when dealing with work orders that have a do not start before date or are on hold
  • Improved print format when bulk printing work orders


  • Introduced new group/constituent report type for collated individual financial reports
  • Expanded payee statements with more detail
  • Expanded aging reports with more detail
  • Improved handling of very large reports


  • Introduced EXIF data as searchable and viewable content for images uploaded as documents
  • Automated assignment of Dublin Core source for system generated documents
  • Added option to associate any letter created for an individual to their agreement (was previously limited to only agreement violations and notices)
  • Added option to share an occupant's document for portal viewing by their account
  • Improved searchability of document content when created letter is converted to PDF
  • Improved formatting when capturing initials in an e-signed document


  • Added option for user deletion of application data to more easily comply with "right to erasure" laws
  • Added option to delete full application PDFs and application files across all servers
  • Added template emails for requesting screening information, such as from previous employers or landlords
  • Added configuration options to eliminate screening categories you don't use
  • Added option to set default policy and procedure rules for each screening category
  • Added option to set a specific privacy policy for applications
  • Added indicator in settings for applicant data used in establishing their tenant profile
  • Added unprocessed applications to dashboard actions, in addition to existing new applications in alerts
  • Improved formatting when printing applications
  • Improved dynamic layout when rotating mobile device


  • Introduced new enhanced default format for mobile portals
  • Added option to set a specific privacy policy for portals
  • Added display of a person's preferred messaging settings when sending portal setup messages
  • Added list of charges with dates and amounts when hovering on balance box on portal money summaries
  • Added option for accounts (owners/associations) to see documents belonging to and shared by their occupants
  • Improved process for sending association, board, and member portal setup
  • Improved display of portal setting options when related options were not enabled

Release 11 (October 1st, 2023)


  • Introduced integrated extras providers with provisioning
  • Introduced Stripe as an integrated payment system
  • Introduced PIN-based authorizations for users without global authorization
  • Added and expanded import options
  • Added phone number sanity checking for standard parsing algorithms
  • Added HERO Hank AI-based chat help
  • Added option to split portfolios in bulk across active agents with agent transfer wizard
  • Added options for improved visiblity of actions on tablets and small screens
  • Added restricted mode login
  • Expanded help functions for improved tracking of support incidents as conversations
  • Improved UI styles and animations
  • Improved indicators and alerts for e-sign status on agreements and notices
  • Improved display of pending status changes on items due to action taken in portals and loginess functions
  • Improved display of fingerprint summaries from loginless and portal functions


  • Introduced property marketing
  • Introduced flexible unit import
  • Introduced universal tracking API with expanded tracking and reporting functionality
  • Introduced marketing export to PDF
  • Introduced configurable owner marketing report for active units
  • Added violations history to units and properties
  • Added options to deal with recyclable codes when inactivating a unit
  • Expanded text marketing system and added text marketing showing option
  • Restructured NotifyMe matching for improved speed and clarity
  • Improved tracking of invalid agents on imported and transferred places
  • Improved messaging when adding multiple units to a floor plan that does not have a template
  • Improved view and distribution graphs and history displays


  • Introduced Stripe as an integrated payment system
  • Introduced configurable invoice approval system
  • Introduced configurable check number reuse functions for destroyed checks
  • Added banking function library to more quickly implement custom solutions for smaller/non-standard banks and credit unions
  • Added option for one-time purge of all accounting transactions on newly upgraded accounts
  • Expanded journal structure for more flexible archiving
  • Improved display of no results messages when search parameters were overly narrow
  • Improved warnings when performing non-standard configuration changes
  • Improved clarity of configuration based on selection of integrated payment system


  • Added showings integration to text marketing
  • Added email open rate consolidated statistics to report on who is and is not opening the emails you send
  • Improved NotifyMe matching



  • Introduced flexible people import
  • Improved tracking of invalid agents on imported and transferred people
  • Added display of occupant-account relationships on each occupant profile
  • Expanded ability to see reports in aggregate for all occupants under an account
  • Expanded people concerns report to include open credits and prepaid rent mismatch


  • Introduced custom extras and integrated extras on all lease and reservation agreements
  • Added extras provisioning for partner-provided extras on a per-product basis
  • Added third party guarantee as a lease addendum condition
  • Added RTO lease option and RTO lease purchase as lease considerations for all lease types
  • Added occupant violation review/response as a loginless function
  • Added groupings of open and closed violations for clarity in reporting


  • Expanded options for who receives appointment confirmations on work orders
  • Improved display of stages and pending stage changes based on portal and loginless actions
  • Improved display of stages and descriptions on summaries


  • Added extras tracking and provisioning reports
  • Added open and closed violations report options
  • Added violations time and billing report
  • Added work order time and billing report
  • Improved standard aged payables and aged receivables reports
  • Modified vacant units on reports to show vacancy fee only when configured
  • Expanded people concerns reports with open credits and prepaid rent mismatch
  • Expanded people communications reports with email open rate calculations


  • Added integration of text marketing with showing activities
  • Improved display of status and pending status changes based on portal and loginless actions


  • Added Stripe as optional payment method for integrated application payments


  • Added loginless functions for violations review/response and invoice approval
  • Added Stripe payment options
  • Improved font flexibility
  • Expanded functions to display properties for an owner or association


  • Introduced universal tracking API for units and properties
  • Added option to set a custom key ID for an API key
  • Expanded IP address API
  • Added API functions for work permits, quote requests, architectural requests, key logs, and job logs

Release 10 (May 1st, 2023)


  • Introduced new Checklists system
  • Introduced new Voting/Polling system
  • Introduced assignable resources on owners/associations for occupants
  • Added new themes and backgrounds
  • Added more quick launch processes
  • Improved recovery process for lost logins
  • Improved localization of foreign addresses relative to account address
  • Improved display of user authorizations enabled
  • Improved agreement configuration settings to more easily identify which agreement types a setting applies to


  • Introduced unit mandatory disclosure documents system for items like mandatory tenants bill of rights
  • Added services agreements list to service providers section of units and properties
  • Added experience ratings to units to better monitor the outcome of experiences between a prospect or occupant and their unit
  • Added unit rent comparisons for residential units including 2023 HUD Median and HUD FMR rents, and market position
  • Segmented unit data so that unit notes, documents, and experiences stay with the property manager under which they occurred when the unit is transferred
  • Restructured season and rate tape chart for more compact view, map view, and display by name
  • Improved season and rate tape chart display of units unable to have reservations created
  • Improved rate check lookup for unit changes (to use same parameters for multiple units)
  • Improved inventory map so properties display property name with unit count


  • Added 1042 tax statements as preview export and export files (forms and FIRE exports are not in valid 1042 format and contain warning)
  • Improved bulk processing of non-integrated pay ins (checks, cash, money orders, etc.) for receipts
  • Improved alerts on amounts that should never go negative, but can if payment was reversed and replacement was never collected
  • Improved formatting to avoid user-created issues not compliant with IRS preferences
  • Improved flow when paying invoices individually


  • Added option to drag and drop a message onto a custom folder
  • Added warning when a template merge field requires its own block of space, rather than merging inline
  • Added more calculation merge fields to calculate dollar values in message templates for agreements
  • Enabled option to send occupant agreement forms and notices to the account
  • Enabled NotifyMe for commercial and storage units
  • Added wizard to mark stale place communications in bulk



  • Introduced assignable resources, so an owner or association can hold resources that can be allocated, rented/reserved, or loaned to occupants
  • Added letter dividers to lists when sorted alphabetically
  • Added robust committee structure to associations
  • Added ability to quickly email or text all board members or committee members from association
  • Added upcoming and overdue board meetings to dashboard people issues
  • Added consent authorization for inclusion in public/published directories
  • Added notifications when certain reports should be run based on intervals
  • Expanded searches to include custom fields
  • Improved and expanded summary of people issues on dashboard
  • Improved consent authorizations to better indicate and warn when system user is overriding person's opt-in


  • Added ability to fully exclude unused components from agreements
  • Added option to customize and recur other fees on agreements
  • Added option for recurring damage insurance/protection waivers on residential, storage, and commercial leases
  • Added services agreements list to service providers section of units and properties
  • Added configuration options to exclude unused components from all agreement types
  • Added minimum insurance requirement to all lease types to more easily identify out-of-compliance tenants
  • Added options for non-integrated insurance providers, and self-provided damage protection waivers
  • Added coloring of agreement form icons on summary to indicate those awaiting e-signature or e-signed, and additional information on agreements structured for e-signing
  • Added summary indicator when an agreement has an e-signed document that the signer converted to wet-ink signable
  • Added member architectural standards to community agreement
  • Added agreement merge field to calculate all overdue bills/charges (for delinquent notices)
  • Added agreement merge fields to display total taxes on agreement by tax type and sum of all taxes due on agreement
  • Added ability to merge account (owner/association) information into occupant messages
  • Added ability to search agreements by the date they were created, regardless of agreement dates
  • Expanded options and reports for trip/travel, renters, and damage insurance/protection waivers to provision insurance along with agreements
  • Implemented automatic foreign address reformat on agreement contact/forwarding address
  • Improved help on understanding entity domicile for legal agreements
  • Improved display of suggested charges for termination fees, cleaning fees, and missing keys and access devices when ending agreements
  • Improved guidance on paying security deposit interest when ending an agreement
  • Improved flow of adding violations from an agreement or notice


  • Introduced architectural requests for association members
  • Added charts and graphs to maintenance reports for improved visualizations
  • Added configuration options to determine which items appear in maintenance lists
  • Added indicator to show the number of items attached to a maintenance issue
  • Added indicator to show when there is an unresolved work request where all work orders are finished
  • Added additional warnings when a work order has outstanding permits
  • Added ability to record special notes for requester notification in work requests, automatically updated when changed from a work order
  • Added ability to see company work orders on an owner's unit when viewing maintenance reports for a single owner
  • Improved flow of adding maintenance to end back where you started when adding/editing maintenance from special lists
  • Improved counting of outstanding work permits in cases where item requiring permit was dropped


  • Added terminated agreements report with tracking of termination reasons
  • Added reports for all types of insurance on all agreement types where insurance can be provided
  • Added reports for all tax remittances on all agreement types that can be taxable
  • Added toggle on agreement account-occupant reports to switch between all units, vacant units, and occupied units
  • Added monthly communication rate to contact report to optimize touch points
  • Added warnings on security deposit report when security deposit held does not match agreement security deposit (e.g. deposit was increased but not collected)
  • Improved progress meter when updating large reports while previous report is still compiling
  • Changed name of Completed Maintenance reports to Finished Maintenance to better reflect both maintenance completed, and resolved without work
  • Changed date status labels on an upcoming agreement from Future to Upcoming to better differentiate agreement status from date status
  • Adjusted profile report to allow company owner, accountant, auditor, and attorney to download full TIN
  • Improved work order stage timeline on maintenance reports


  • Introduced unit mandatory disclosure documents system
  • Added coloring of agreement form icons on summary to indicate those awaiting e-signature or e-signed
  • Added restrictions and warnings when attempting to change or delete an official record
  • Improved ease of customizing document names when uploading multiple documents at once


  • Added new event types correlated with workflow actions
  • Added full display of unit on activities that are unit-related (showings, move-in/move-out, check-in/check-out, maintenance follow-ups)


  • Added option to submit files, such as copies of pay stubs or bank statements, in an application
  • Added option to destroy uploaded applications files after verifying


  • Added option for custom fields to be completed in portal work requests, architectural requests, and violation reports
  • Added new structure for association board members
  • Improved speed loading messages list
  • Increased number of allowed preapproved payments on perpetual agreements to 60

Release 9 (December 1st, 2022)


  • Introduced smart sort and tag filtering for people lists
  • Improved UI for add, filter, search, show, and mode functions
  • Improved power searches
  • Improved internal management of dialog expansion
  • Added quarterly and semiannually recurring activities, invoices, charges, bills, and agreement intervals
  • Expanded options for creating users without pre-determined authorizations
  • Added all people and agreement types to import wizards, agent transfer wizard, and batch updates


  • Added guidance for adding a property when it contains multiple physical addresses
  • Improved calculation of Average Daily Rate (ADR) on short-term rentals with incomplete base rates
  • Improved address matching for added units/properties
  • Removed option for active or inactive association unit, replaced with occupied
  • Restricted preferred vendors on a unit/property to only established vendors or system profiles
  • Modified units/properties hidden from public to permit private marketing functions
  • Adjusted unit summary to display actual rent instead of market rent after unit is made inactive (rented)
  • Added fusion process to allow adding unlimited identical (or very similar) units to a property in a single step


  • Added configuration option for manual (non-integrated) payment processing
  • Added manual pay in options to dynamically calculate configured fees
  • Added quarterly and semiannually recurring invoices, charges, and bills
  • Added ability for management company to write themselves a $0.00 check
  • Added option to set an ACH convenience fee for owner and association payments
  • Added configuration option to allow account receipts to be posted to income (in addition to equity)
  • Added date filter for bank deposits list
  • Added warning before bulk paying invoice if any vendor/source is set to prefer ACH but their ACH is not properly configured
  • Added auto-detection of ACH payment method when one-time payee has ACH configured
  • Added display on consolidated pay out when a consolidated child pay out is reversed
  • Added dynamic source query of pay in details for supported integrated payment systems
  • Added fusion process to reverse a transfer on management bills paid to management company by transfer
  • Added dozens of warnings for unusual transactions, like trusted transfers out of non-trust account, or vendor payments out of security deposit account
  • Added configuration option to exclude occupants' prepaid rent from calculation of current balance due
  • Changed default when payee payments are on hold so they are not consolidated
  • Improved detection of transactions changed in another window or by another user while viewing a transaction
  • Improved detection of occupant equity changed in another window or by another user while performing a process that uses occupant equity
  • Improved balance bar for improved display of aggregate values and auto-update when values are changed in another window or by another user
  • Improved and expanded date calculations of recurring money events
  • Improved display and processing for single payment of all outstanding invoices for a vendor or source
  • Improved display of overpayments on receipts
  • Expanded pay in processing options to allow separate processing of fees where posted payment was previously processed without processing fees
  • Expanded reversal options for transfers and invoice discounts not yet paid out
  • Improved display of payments where payee did not pay on a specific charge or agreement
  • Grouped all occupant receipts to management company under master configuration setting with help
  • Restructured occupant dispositions to require selection of deposit or credit type to accommodate keeping different types of deposits and credits in different bank accounts
  • Modified send payments to always default to person's preferred method when set, and fallback from ACH to check if ACH is not properly configured


  • Added configuration option to include application link in prospect replies
  • Added routine to create message groups that include additional sub-groups
  • Added option to include board members or all members when selecting an association from a people select list
  • Imnproved view of prospect communications on a unit



  • Added override option on a person's profile to temporarily prohibit all portal payments, even when payments are enabled
  • Added function to set portal payment prohibition when putting an occupant in collections or requiring certified funds
  • Added ACH settings to occupant profiles to allow disposition by ACH
  • Added warning when viewing/editing a person's profile when they are set to ACH but ACH is not properly set up
  • Added indicator when a person's consent authorizations are set by them, and not by you
  • Added option to sync changes on a person's profile to their related profile
  • Added display of a person's related profile contacts and animals
  • Added integrated option to generate random codes for a person's profile authorization
  • Improved display of change log
  • Improved visibility of warnings when a search includes results that cannot be displayed


  • Added agreement move-ins, renewals, and expirations to Updates & Alerts (in addition to action boxes)
  • Added indicator on reservations missing cleaning work orders when configuration is set to automatically create
  • Added fusion process to change the management on a lease (e.g. your owner sells unit to another of your owners with tenant in place)
  • Added option to eliminate missing template popup when user does not plan to create a template
  • Added bill/statement fee option to leases
  • Added status of "Converted" for e-sign documents converted to wet ink signed before all e-signatures are received
  • Added configuration option to exclude all assocation elements from agreements, when none of your managed units are in an association
  • Added configuration option to automatically add new units to their property's management agreement
  • Improved instructions for insurance rate calcuation configuration
  • Simplified and improved help for e-signing with an authorized signature
  • Improved calculations and processing of automatic month-to-month renewals in 31 day months


  • Added indicator on maintenance items that are viewed for a person but are not on that person's agreement (e.g. work done for previous tenant)
  • Added warnings when adding maintenance on a unit/property that does not have a current agreement
  • Added option to automatically clear the completed date when changing the status of a completed work order (e.g. vendor reported complete, but it is not)
  • Improved processing and instructions for key management on occupant agreements
  • Expanded to allow key management from unit/property with primary but not current agreement, with warnings


  • Added commercial and storage lease issues to tenant concerns report
  • Added occupant violations to concerns report
  • Added option to set text size and continous display on vacancy reports
  • Added standard payee reports for vendor and source invoices/payments
  • Adjusted overdue charges and bills on concerns report to elevate to priority A when overdue amount exceeds $100
  • Changed standard occupant statement to show statement balance as final balance, rather than ending balance


  • Added configuration option to merge images preferring either inline images or links to images


  • Improved process and validation for configuring campaigns and projects


  • Added option to filter received applications by unit type
  • Added website integration so applications can be fully integrated into a HERO website
  • Added configuration of screening elements required by unit type
  • Added option to use configured tenant rate instead of application rate for convenience fees
  • Added option to automatically sync new tenant's animals from their application
  • Added indicator in application configuration for fields that will be used for payee settings


  • Added report filtering and viewing
  • Improved processing when a single tenant has multiple lease types (residential, storage, and/or commercial)
  • Improved UI to match recent updates in Harmony UI
  • Improved formatting of individual message view to better accommodate unusual message structures
  • Improved UI for searches and filters
  • Changed default to hide occupants' PII when owner is viewing their agreements
  • Removed payee wallet options when logged in as property manager


  • Expanded reports API to include statements for all people types

Beta Release 8 (July 1st, 2022)


  • Introduced full association/community management system
  • Introduced commercial property management system
  • Introduced storage property management system
  • Added Global Payments as integrated payment provider
  • Added metrics for company workload and efficiency, including per-user contributed hours
  • Improved loading/speed of dashboard action boxes


  • Added inquiry check phrase to filter bot/inattentive inquiries
  • Added option for marketing highlights
  • Added public license/registration number for required public disclosures
  • Added unit analysis charts to properties
  • Added number of units, floors, and buildings in a property
  • Added dynamic sort to properties
  • Added ability to directly put a unit on the market when processing occupancy move-out
  • Added unit and property document repository for registration and compliance documents
  • Improved unit charts to display rent and sizes by scatter chart
  • Added display of units in property not assigned to property's management agreement, with one-click assignment
  • Added display of units in property not assigned to a property floorplan
  • Added property search to universal search
  • Added function to import from another HERO account, including Legacy


  • Added option to manually create pay ins
  • Restructured pay ins to provide more summary information
  • Modified pay in void/destroy to optionally automatically refund payer
  • Improved processing on preapproved payment plans
  • Improved processing/automation for clearing pay ins, and option to treat pending as cleared (for non-trust accounting)
  • Added summary indicator when a person responsible for an unpaid charge has a preauthorized payment method
  • Added automated drop of preapproved and preauthorized payment methods when a card is canceled
  • Improved handling of merged currency fields
  • Added configuration option to enable or disable taxes by unit type
  • Added help for understanding bank account roles in chart of accounts
  • Added optional merge field on receipt messages to show remaining charges outstanding
  • Added optional merge field on charge messages for loginless one time payment


  • Added direct option to add an unit inquiry prospect to a campaign
  • Added additional smart merge fields for money messages
  • Added match analysis of inquiry check phrase



  • Added types and stats for residential, storage, and commercial tenants
  • Added consent authorizations for people to receive official, tax, and financial records by email, where required
  • Added DNA registration information to occupant animals
  • Added board management/configuration to associations
  • Added non-occupant class to occupant profiles for authorized party that does not occupy the unit (to protect from implied tenancy)
  • Added option for tenant as association member for ROCs
  • Added function to import from another HERO account, including Legacy


  • Added storage and commercial as allowed occupancy on management
  • Added third party guaranty to lease considerations
  • Added inline quantity/value reduction tracking in changing agreement fees
  • Added option for manager to terminate a preapproved payment plan


  • Added automatic fallback to company maintenance for places without an active account agreement
  • Added inheritance of work request location to work order


  • Added Official Record designation and indicator to documents
  • Added option to share account documents with corresponding occupants


  • Added violation impact dates to calendar


  • Added separate application configuration for residential, storage, and commercial
  • Improved display of advanced options on question configuration
  • Added option to accept application payments by different methods


  • Improved display of portal payments
  • Added loginless pay one time charge

Beta Release 7 (March 1st, 2022)


  • Introduced key/access log system
  • Introduced violations system
  • Introduced RFQ system
  • Introduced work permit system
  • Added ability to predefine multiple regions under a single account
  • Added search caching to advanced searches
  • Improved time zone management for users who don't select a time zone
  • Improved navigation from action boxes and global searches
  • Standardized multiple data sets to ISO format


  • Restructured system with places, which contain properties and units
  • Added ability to have a blanket management agreement on a property and all its units
  • Added ability to register and check out unit and property keys
  • Added ability to perform maintenance on a property not related to a unit
  • Added properties to agent transfer wizard
  • Add ability to track non-appliance unique equipment with warranties
  • Improved places map to show all units in their property as a single location
  • Improved NotifyMe zip code matching and state filtering
  • Improved places search when manually recording prospect inquiries
  • Modified agreement connection on a place to include non-current agreement


  • Added tax configuration and processing to residential leases
  • Added ability to automatically recur split invoices
  • Added one-click resolution to refunded disbursements (failed ACH, lost checks, etc.)
  • Added optional automated messaging for bulk payments
  • Added optional automated messaging for charges and bills overdue
  • Added option on global charge/bill lists to toggle unpaid
  • Added default charge codes and posting rules for separate lease and reservation rent
  • Added default charge codes and posting rules for separate lease and reservation insurance
  • Added display of charges/balances/credits to reservation insurance report
  • Added automatic calculation for increasing residential lease deposits on renewal
  • Added generic payment methods of Credit Card and Digital Wallet
  • Added additional warnings when trying to use a bank account that is missing information
  • Added additional warning when paying a high dollar invoice to a one-time payee
  • Added inline view of a pay in creating a receipt
  • Added option to select management funds expense posting rule inline on receipts
  • Added currency flexibility
  • Improved messaging when a financial admin changes unlocked reconciled transaction resulting in unreconciling
  • Improved display and messaging on disbursements with a destroyed pay out
  • Improved automated releases on residential lease move-out
  • Improved processing of transfer funds and trusted transfer
  • Improved handling of asset and liability balances transferred between bank accounts
  • Improved loading of bank balances
  • Improved process of unlocking transactions
  • Improved 1099 handling to allow for generating up to 17k 1099s in each category at once


  • Added ability to configure custom message folders and default group
  • Added option to configure default filters
  • Added inline task management selection for inbound messages
  • Added delegation option to inbound messages
  • Added option to set a preferred header/footer for messages apart from documents and reports
  • Added rollup/down function when creating messages from a template
  • Added standard message templates for overdue charges and bills
  • Added per-company template image library
  • Added ability to create custom template groups
  • Improved compatibility of messages with dynamic style classes
  • Modified system default templates to be more generic to cover all lines of business



  • Added custom tagging for each profile type
  • Added default profile photo/logo of person's intials in absence of a photo
  • Added additional missing taxpayer items to source concerns report
  • Added expired foreign taxpayer status to concerns report for owners, associations, vendors, and sources
  • Added individual name on all profiles, where profile name and contact name are different from inidividual name
  • Added indicator on owner anniversary where they have an annual performance bonus in their agreement
  • Added profile summary to top of maintenance, messages, documents, and activities to allow preview of person's full profile while processing item
  • Added configuration setting to disallow certain relationships (owner as guest, association member as tenant, etc.)
  • Modified display of experience rating to show Undetermined if no experience surveys have been recorded
  • Modified profile switch function where same person has multiple roles (association members as tenants, owners in guest rental pool, etc.)


  • Introduced violations
  • Added configurable agreement summary block
  • Added option blocks to e-signing
  • Added numbering in addition to naming on agreement addendums when merging
  • Added prepaid rent required to residential lease agreements
  • Added post check routine for additional validation of newly created agreements
  • Added field pointer to agreements wizard for easier navigation
  • Added per-company template image library
  • Added ability to have a blanket management agreement on a property and all its units
  • Added custom merge rules for additional flexibility in creating conditional merge data
  • Added option to show/hide reservations without booking deposit due on reservation advanced search
  • Added option to turn off physical keys on leases for company who exclusively issue virtual keys
  • Improved agreement e-signing on mobile devices


  • Introduced key/access logs
  • Introduced quote requests (RFQs)
  • Introduced work permits
  • Added smart functionality to check out then in keys on work orders
  • Added time tracking to work orders to track minutes spent without job log entries
  • Improved work order stage visualizations including out of order dates
  • Improved process of adding work orders from work requests
  • Improved bulk print of work orders to allow up to 10k work orders per-print
  • Improved tracking for CAM work and invoices


  • Added per-company template image library
  • Added option to set a preferred header/footer for documents apart from messages and reports
  • Added ability to create custom template groups


  • Expanded system webgadgets, especially for those doing business internationally
  • Added configurable option to set email accounts to auto-purge oldest messages
  • Added option to always prefer form mail as HTML
  • Added thumbnail display of internally linked pages
  • Improved visual elements
  • Improved management of per-page meta descriptions
  • Improved email account warnings when approaching capacity
  • Improved security of default .htaccess
  • Improved ADA compliance in default settings and templates


  • Added loginless quote request (RFQ) functionality for vendor participation


  • Introduced API versioning to allow users to lock in to previous versions
  • Improved JSON results on complex result sets to match XML sets

Beta Release 6 (July 1st, 2021)


  • Modified UI:
    • Improved visual appearance
    • Improved display of items loading
    • Improved color indicator on custom colored items
    • Unified display of each person and agreement's type prefix, status, special type, and manager on all related items
  • Improved load time of all lists and action boxes
  • Improved print format for all printable items
  • Improved viewing of fingerprint data to verify identity when someone takes action outside of a login
  • Added demo set to start new accounts with demo people, listings, agreements, maintenance, and activities
  • Added ability to give names to custom header/cover and footer/final page templates
  • Changed alert icon count bubbles to show when alert count exceeds 99 items


  • Added batch update for certain listing fields
  • Added dwelling/property type composition to overview report
  • Added ability to create a new reservation directly from listing's calendar
  • Improved view of unit information and status in summary views of related items
  • Improved activity reports in short-term rentals to better display monthly averages and delta
  • Improved display of maintenance information and history on a listing
  • Added option to archive a property, or delete if it has no floorplans


  • Introduced drafting pay ins on pre-approved payment arrangements
  • Added option to expand trusted agreements beyond those that share a common person
  • Resolved issues with viewing transactions performed as trusted transfers
  • Improved the Money View for vendors/sources
  • Added option to directly record a refund (overpayment/mistaken payment/inventory return) from any vendor or source
  • Added display of management fee notes and management bill calculation basis when adding management bills from occupancy agreement
  • Added nudge slider for check/deposit slip printing for non-standard printers
  • Modified account statements to display description and memo on detail format
  • Modified account statements to more clearly identify bills already paid
  • Modified account statements to include overdue bills greater than balance in header alert
  • Added configuration options in bill codes to exclude a specific bill code on statements
  • Added agreement status indicator to balance reports
  • Added option to include an unlimited number of work orders on a single invoice
  • Added option to calculate invoice due dates based on payee's default payment terms or company standards
  • Added warning icon when paying an invoice (from global invoice list) to a payee that does not have a preferred disbursement method set
  • Added warning on paying invoices to taxing authorities when account does not hold a sufficient balance of remitted taxes
  • Modified invoice voids to do one-pass void of all bills and detachment of all work orders
  • Improved load time on overdue invoice analysis
  • Added a recur day calculator for help determining recur intervals
  • Expanded commission payment reports to include actual fees billed compared to agreement fees to cover special exceptions
  • Expanded tax remittance reports to include property registration information
  • Improved warning when payer duplicates a check number in receipt
  • Improved messaging on NSFing/reversing a receipt that created related transactions
  • Added option to skip time-consuming balance recalculation on large reports


  • Introduced two-way 10DLC texting for text conversations sourced from any system actions or free-form text messages
  • Improved ability to see when a queued message is delivered while viewing summary list
  • Added configuration option to exclude specified email addresses and domains from matching when receiving messages from unmatched senders
  • Improved load time on message summary lists
  • Improved management of deleted message purge/restore
  • Removed option to cc/bcc group messages to prevent one address/phone number from getting a copy of each message sent



  • Improved display of statistical delta for calculating company growth
  • Improved messaging on experience ratings and direction (increasing/decreasing experience ratings)
  • Improved display of people with expiring/expired items (like workers comp, foreign taxpayer W8, etc.) to more clearly indicate status on dashboard
  • Added default payment terms to vendor/source profiles
  • Added IRS-compliant filter to taxpayer name to avoid potential errors on 1099s


  • Automated removal of system profile when initiating an agreement on a system profile and transitioning to a person
  • Modified reservation extensions to automatically calculate new taxes due
  • Added option to directly add new fees after extending a reservation
  • Added options to simplify reverting reservations checked-out in error
  • Improved explanation of process when adding loginless fields into merged data (see Portals)
  • Added loginless guest arrival/departure function, with option to queue arrival/departure reminders (see Portals)
  • Added option to email a rate check/quote to a prospect, and ability to easily retrieve saved quotes and proceed to reservation
  • Improved agreement searches when a unit's address/ID changes after agreement is established
  • Added option for admin to change agreement source after creation
  • Added option to select a non-standard status for a related person when processing an agreement change


  • Added indicator icons in summary list for financial details on work orders (limits, estimates, totals, and withhold starting date)
  • Added loginless work order complete function (see Portals)
  • Added option to view recent clean status history and override automated clean status on cleaning work orders
  • Added option to resolve work order without editing it in applicable conditions
  • Added warnings if Do Not Start Before date is set to be later than the date work is expected to start
  • Added warning bar on work orders created from an agreement when the agreement has an unexpected status relative to the work order
  • Added admin option to unassign or remove a work order from an invoice
  • Improved layout of open maintenance and closed maintenance reports


  • Improved management of deleted document purge/restore
  • Switched default internal view of PDFs to direct from preview


  • Added warning bar on activities created from an agreement when the agreement has an unexpected status relative to the activity


  • Improved loading time of calendar
  • Added option to directly add a new activity during any time slot on calendar
  • Added option to dock or float calendar date/busyness header


  • Improved messaging for accessing website administration when domain is pending provisioning of secure certificate
  • Added view of website in action box to edit website


  • Added new loginless function for work order completion, allowing vendor to update work order status without logging into portal
  • Added new loginless function for guest arrival/departure, allowing guest to report arrival/departure without logging into portal
  • Added full GPS data tracking/fingerprint reporting for all applicable loginless functions
  • Added option to set custom information on loginless functions

Beta Release 5 (March 1st, 2021)


  • Introduced financial transaction strings
  • Introduced memo transactions
  • Expanded ability to more easily track and interact with sources (the people, companies, and campaigns that bring you business) and commissions.
  • Expanded process logging with improved AI to handle potentially duplicated processes
  • Improved dynamic processing status details on processes that take time
  • Improved login state when using multiple concurrent/duplicated windows/tabs
  • Improved selection/view of context-aware options on an item
  • Improved view of action boxes with priority coloring
  • Added system-wide prefixes on people and agreement IDs
  • Improved search and filter functions and speed


  • Improved listing views prior to editing
  • Added bedroom arrangements to short-term listings
  • Added manual distributions/exports to distribution history (for Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, etc. exports)
  • Improved range-based filters on listing communications and reports
  • Added option to include current primary agreement details in listing inventory reports
  • Improved ability to preview a unit throughout the system


  • Restructured transaction status limits views based on transaction strings
  • Added alerts when adding a transaction to a person with multiple agreement (ledger) options
  • Added preview report download of pending tax remittances
  • Improved issue notification and alerts on tax remittances
  • Expanded details displayed on customized allocation of tax remittances
  • Added option to set context-aware per-user filter preferences on transaction lists
  • Added configurable option to set preferred bank account default on company transactions
  • Improved messaging on prompts to apply open credits when open credits were held on non-default accounts
  • Improved partial deposit releases from different accounts
  • Added configurable option for items to include in statement balance bar
  • Improved view of maintenance withholds to include uninvoiced items with present, future, and excluded withholds
  • Added configurable option for default inclusion of positive, negative, and zero distributions
  • Added account type to ACH disbursements for non-demand destination bank accounts
  • Improved security deposit reporting to more easily reconcile partially released security deposits during open agreement
  • Improved handling of restricted characters in configurable account names


  • Added configurable option for a user's email "from" name to allow better marketing/positioning in sent emails



  • Added money view to sources to track invoices from sources and payments to sources
  • Added configurable option on sources to designate if the source has been authorized to provide tenants or guests as external provider
  • Added agreements view to sources to view all agreements where a source is the external provider
  • Added pay to name separate from common name, default bill code, priority to pay, and consolidate limit exemption on source profiles
  • Expanded profile icon managing agent color throughout functions and reports


  • Added discrete sources section to all agreements to better track various sources
  • Added quick add function to add a new source while adding an agreement
  • Added lease external application source for third-party tenant provisioning
  • Added agreement source and commissions as default report
  • Streamlined routine for adding multiple units to an agreement
  • Improved context-aware default sorts
  • Added loginless portal function for guests to add names to a reservation
  • Added loginless portal function for guests to accept, decline, or inquire about trip/travel insurance and damage waivers
  • Improved selections and displays to more efficiently manage trip/travel insurance and damage waivers
  • Added prompt to clear previous tax remittance complete status when extending a reservation to ensure tax difference is properly remitted
  • Added check of management bills when finalizing termination of reservation agreements
  • Improved allocation tracking to more accurately report on income when allocations are changed frequently
  • Added discrete revocable and irrevocable trust entity types on management agreements
  • Added option to adjust distribution and withhold settings while preparing management agreement ending/terminating
  • Added merge conditions for occupant agreement addendums/articles when management agreement either does or does not have power of attorney
  • Added display in summary when a lease has switched to a month-to-month renewal
  • Improved view of canceling/terminating/evicting agreements in insurance reports
  • Improved report layout of account-occupant agreements report to more easily charge vacancy/occupancy dependent fees
  • Added agreement manager (leasing, reservation, services/maintenance) to eligible merge fields


  • Added ability to begin withholding work order estimate or total on a future date
  • Improved ability for cleaning work orders to set unit status when unit has had no status history
  • Added work order external link as eligible merge field for emailed work orders (for links to procedures, instructions, checklists, product manuals, or warranties)

Beta Release 4 (December 1st, 2020)


  • Introduces tax management for accommodation, sales, and equipment taxes (non-excise taxes)
  • Added more search, sort, and filter options throughout the system
  • Added specific print format to items and lists for improved printing
  • Added configuration option to automatically assign managing agent of an agreement to either the manager of the person or the manager of the place, for cases where they differ
  • Expanded icon coloring by managing agent to more easily distinguish the managers of people, places, and agreements
  • Expanded and increased speed of global time and geography related components


  • Improved management and display for units with no bedrooms or bathrooms (campsites, RV sites, boat slips, etc.)
  • Added option to set missing key fee and access device fee per unit to override account setting
  • Added option to bulk re-process all listing photos with current logo stamp, watermark, and compression algorithms
  • Improved speed and filter options for schedule and rates
  • Expanded options for units that require multiple governmental/community registrations on a single address


  • Added unavailable funds balance display for accounts, optional on statements
  • Added warning on recording duplicate invoice numbers from same vendor
  • Added configurable option to exclude booking deposits from balances
  • Added option to always allow trusted transfers when agreements share a common person
  • Added option for trusted transfers from company to management agreement
  • Added option to directly release partial deposits from occupant's Money view
  • Added option to reallocate taxes due to taxing authorities for agreements where partial taxes are collected and remitted externally
  • Added option to pay an occupant's charge or account's bill from management funds, rather than transferring funds
  • Added more filter options to global money views
  • Improved management/formatting of foreign/international addresses on printed checks, including for one-time payees
  • Added balance of management funds in trust to trust bank account balances summary
  • Added option to select source as an invoice payee for commission/co-broke payments
  • Improved display of warnings and alerts when paying owner distributions to more accurately reflect minor and major issues
  • Improved processing options of overpayments to equity
  • Improved visibilty of receipts that include charges posted to account and to management company
  • Improved configuration flexibility for non-trust accounting when advance payments, deposits, and taxes are released to account upon receipt
  • Enabled invoice discounts for both shared and individual invoices
  • Added option to exempt a specific vendor from global setting for consolidated items limit
  • Added option to change vendor default Money view
  • Added configurable options for display of zero balances
  • Added configurable option to automatically select zero distribution owners to receive a statement
  • Added configurable option to post transaction fees to trust account when batch processing credit card and online pay ins
  • Added deposit slip style of unlimited continuous for non-presented (electronic) deposits
  • Added configurable option for which money balances are displayed/hidden in user's portals
  • Added administrator option to reverse a reconciliation in same session
  • Added option to set individual bank accounts to use reconciliation format matching bank statement



  • Added separate pay to name for vendors in cases where the vendor is referenced by a name other than who payments are issued to
  • Improved options to set domestic person as foreign taxpayer or foreign person as domestic taxpayer including tracking expirations of foreign taxpayer docs like W-8 ECI
  • Added option to pay a source directly, rather than requiring them to be entered as a vendor


  • Added prompts and ability to directly adjust management bills when changing reservation dates and canceling reservations
  • Added ability to offer insurance and damage waivers with option to later accept and charge
  • Added configurable option to auto-calculate insurance commissions/net rates
  • Expanded insurance reporting and added provider-specific reports
  • Added ability to override configured calculations for calculated total rent and commissionable value
  • Added option to automatically include security, cleaning, and pet deposits in booking deposit calculation
  • Added advanced search for agreements by status, dates, etc.
  • Added function to show details when booking over top of a canceled reservation
  • Added indicator in reservation summary to show full/partial booking deposits collected
  • Added alert indicator in summary for reservations where guest checked themselves in or out, but property manager has not processed
  • Added display of vacancy fee established, for units with no occupancy during searched dates in account-occupant agreement report
  • Added custom configurable agreement report downloads


  • Improved management of unit status when completing and resolving work orders
  • Added batch processing for work order printing, re-assignment, and stage changes
  • Added advanced search for work orders by status, category, type, all work order dates, primary/secondary stage, etc.
  • Added display of next arrival/last departure to departure/arrival work orders
  • Added work coming due as an action box with configurable interval
  • Added configuration option to include/exclude uninvoiced work orders from distributions based on vendor estimates/totals

Beta Release 3 (July 5th, 2020)


  • Introduces vacation rental marketing, management, and reservations
  • Option to view/search items (maintenance, activities, documents, etc.) by serial number


  • Added property registration expiration date for units that require recurring registration with a government authority
  • Added insurance contact/policy and expiration date on individual units, allowing tracking of policies at the unit level where owners have multiple units
  • Added ability to view full agreement history on a listing
  • Added function to restore archived listings


  • Automated posting account selection when paying management bills by transfer to management company from multiple owners with different posting rules
  • Added library of standard bank logos to select from in bank account configuration
  • Created default unique posting rules for charges for storage units, parking fees, and memberships


  • Added address checking and verification to prospect entry
  • Added option to hide entire containers in merged messages where merge field has no value



  • Added option to set tenant's address as unit address during move-in process


  • Made full agreement history viewable by non-admin users with edit privilege
  • Added option to specify a third-party leasing and reservation agent on occupant agreements
  • Added option to discard agreement in agreement creation wizard, removing all dependencies and assignments
  • Added inline option to upload power of attorney on agreements with limited or general POA
  • Added option to upload third-party/previously created agreement form as designated agreement form
  • Added bills, charges, and deposits as eligible merge fields on agreement forms to automatically include amounts due at set up on the signable agreement form
  • Added new reports for account-occupant agreement relationships, agreements open during period, agreements starting during period, and agreements ending during period
  • Added option for account agreement to select and indicate occupant agreement types allowed
  • Added configuration option to show/hide key agreement dates on calendar
  • Added action boxes for key agreement dates (like move-in, move-out, renewal, termination, etc.) on agreement list view
  • Added utlities cap, mandatory re-key fee, and allowed vehicles to lease agreements
  • Added "Quick Add" function to create new account and occupant profiles mid-stream during agreement creation
  • Added configurable termination codes to track the reasons for agreement ending (eviction, termination, non-renewal) by your own internal codes, as well as existing free form reason
  • Added background routine to force agreements to others mode when created in self-managed mode and global mode is subsequently changed


  • Added Code Compliance and Improvement categories to work orders
  • Added "Do not begin before" date to work orders

Beta Release 2 (March 26th, 2020)


  • Improved version caching for consistency in pushed updates
  • Improved time zone functions for users in regions with obscure time zone rules
  • Updated security algorithm for passwords and TINs
  • Added indicator in dashboard alerts to more easily differentiate items done by a user and done by AI
  • Improved response code clarity for failing API requests in open API


  • Improved photo processing for large batches of uploaded listing photos
  • Improved algorithm for determining photo order on listing distribution when batches of photos are deleted
  • Added routine maintenance items to automatically create work requests when routine maintenance comes due (filter replacement, fire extinguisher inspection, lawn service, pest control, etc.)
  • Added advanced recording/tracking of appliance warranties with inclusion in work order
  • Added tiny house options


  • Added automatic SSN formatting compliance checking per SSA parameters
  • Modified message on applications for pending listings to reflect regional variability in elegibility for a refund of application fees
  • Added option to send agent an email when application is started (and finished)


  • Improved authorized user switching between Harmony reports and Harmony Inspections  


  • Added option to skip late fees on weekend or halt late fees temporarily
  • Improved cache timing and wait message when printing a large number of checks at a time
  • Modified funds transfer rules to more easily distribute security deposits on management cancelation
  • Added configuration setting of pre-defined algorithms for the different types of monthly rent proration
  • Added configuration setting for invoice markups
  • Converted back-end processing of multi-pay functions to allow a virtually unlimited number of transactions to be payed in a single process (previous limit was ~300-600 transactions per process)
  • Added indicator to show when a charge/bill was added to a person on the agrement other than the person you are viewing
  • Improved indication of owners who have not selected a preferred statement format when processing owner distributions
  • Provided additional clarification on alerts when holding pre-paid advance rent for a tenant
  • Improved display of original work order when charging tenant maintenance co-pay on invoice


  • Added retry option on failed messages
  • Implemented updated inbound message processor
  • Added option to delete messages as spam when they are sent from someone other than a known profile
  • Added appointment confirmation messaging for scheduled items, with indicators to show confirmed appointments and reschedule requests on the scheduled item (workorder, activity, etc.) and calendar
  • Added experience survey messaging to send to a person after an interaction
  • Added ability to re-sort component elements in a campaign template



  • Added function to copy existing profile contact to a new profile
  • Added optional auto-sort to custom vendor industry types and source types lists
  • Added configuration option to hide birthday/anniversary alerts (for those who don't like to celebrate)
  • Added experience score to each person to indicate their level of satisfaction with all experiences/interactions with you
  • Included vendor rating from experience surveys into vendor suitability score
  • Improved alert when vendor is foreign and will not be issued 1099
  • Added company IRS TCC for electronic filing
  • Added animal profiles to occupants to record and report on all animal information for pets and non-pets
  • Added vendor service zip codes, service area, and service conditions, restrictions, and terms, with automated comparison during work order assignment


  • Added services agreement dates to calendar (auto/liability insurance expiration, certification expiration, license expiration, etc.)
  • Added highlighting to all expired agreement dates
  • Added tenant animals summary (from animal profiles) to lease on initial creation and subsequent view
  • Added merge for witness block on agreements requiring witness signature
  • Added self-managed mode where there is only one owner and all units are automatically added to a single management agreement
  • Expanded options for selecting third-party agreement templates from template libary


  • Improved view of showings so viewing any showing for a prospect from a unit shows all showings for that prospect, on all units
  • Added ability to re-sort component elements in a project template
  • Added ability to automatically recur appointments, events, and tasks
  • Added configurable custom fields


  • Added display of the account a unit is on for each work order
  • Added work order approval messaging and functionality for vendors to accept, decline, or request a change to assigned work orders
  • Added ability for owner to request a change to work when work order is set to client authorization required
  • Added validation/tracking to owner/vendor work order approval/acceptance or change requests to verify identity
  • Added display of routine maintenance items on a work order created from an automated routine maintenance request
  • Added configurable custom fields to work orders and work requests
  • Automated statistical calculation of vendor on-time and on-budget performance and corresponding suitability score
  • Added alternative processing for after-hours maintenance requests, with advanced schedule configuration